Click on the chosen operator name to be taken to the page, then check your duty cycle and resistance. Start by choosing an operator to match your gate weight and function (residential, commercial or industrial). Ok! Armed with all this information you need to pop back up the page to our chart and choose a few operators to compare. It is however fair to say that price will be an indication of the quality of build of the motor. Some of our lowest priced operators have been our best performers time and time again.

If however the gate/s performed 25 operations for half an hour in the morning and the other 25 during a half hour period in the afternoon then this would be considered medium to high duty cycle. NUMBER OF DAILY OPERATIONS OR "DUTY CYCLE" - In general terms we consider even 50 operations a day to be a small number assuming that the 50 operations were spread evenly over an eight hour period.So, note down your wind and slope resistance level - "low", "moderate", or "high". A 200kg gate on a site that slopes 150mm from end to end can effectively weigh 1000kg as far as the motor is concerned. Any slope off perfectly level will have a large effect on motor choice (Look for a motor marked " GOOD ON HILLS"). Note that unlike swing gates where wind resistance can be critical with sliding gates the wind resistance although real is not considered critIcal but more a "point to note". EG: Wind resistance of a fully enclosed sliding gate of 5.5 metres width in a coastal environment would be considered "high" whereas a well protected site and an open design gate of the same size may be considered "low". You need to consider your wind resistance taking into account site conditions and size. A gate with 25mm vertical uprights at 150mm centre's as it's main centre infill will have a smaller wind resistance than a gate with a totally enclosed centre infill of say timber or colorbond. GATE CONSTRUCTION AND SLOPE - The main point to consider here is the style of gate.So note down your gate weight as your first point of reference. We assume that you have a good set of wheels and guides or you will be choosing a good set of wheels and top guides. Although width is a consideration the weight of a sliding gate has the major influence on choice of sliding gate motor.

Listed below are factors you should consider when making your choice. There are many factors that together combine to help you choose the right operator for your gate.